Adult Bible Study
Tuesdays 10:00am - Conference Room, Sept-June
This group studies and discusses the lectionary reading that will be used in the upcoming Sunday service, and is led by Rev. Tom Carney. It is open to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the bible and how it applies to our own lives, and you can join at any time.
Fellowship Groups
Fellowship Groups are gatherings of 7-8 people from the congregation for a meal and fellowship monthly. We're always starting new groups. Let us know if you'd like to join one!
​New Members Group
Three week sessions each Spring and Fall
Is Cobleskill UMC beginning to feel like your spiritual home? Join other folks new to the church to learn more about who we are at Cobleskill United Methodist Church and how you can be involved in our mission and ministry. Read more about membership here.
Covenant Groups
Covenant Groups are 5-7 individuals who meet weekly and focus on holding one another in love as they practice together core values and actions that align their life with Christ. Let us know if you'd like to join a Covenant Group.
Seasonal Studies
Advent, Lent, Summer
Pop-up small groups that study scripture or thematic books that connect into the seasons of Advent and Lent. Topics we've covered in the past include Everything Happens (Kate Bowler), Do I Stay Christian? (Brian McClaren), The Road Back to You (Suzanne Stabile/Ian Crone), The Book of Job, Staying Awake (Tyler Sit), Witnesses at the Cross (Amy Jill Levine).​