You Are Welcome Here
Welcome Statement
Cobleskill United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Church. We recognize our human family’s diversity of race, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental ability, education, and any other difference, real or perceived. We are called to the ministry of the sacred worth of all people, and we embrace as a gift the diversity of our neighborhood and world.
We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed. We affirm that all people are created in the image of God—and as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministry of Cobleskill United Methodist Church as we journey toward reconciliation through Christ. We know that including all people, with all our diverse experiences and understandings, with all our anxieties and doubts, and with all our past pain, enriches our ministries and sets us on a shared trajectory toward greater love.